Meaning of YIELD in English

n. Function: verb


Synonyms: RELINQUISH , abandon, cede, give up, hand over, leave, resign, surrender, ||turn up, waive

Contrasted Words: appropriate, arrogate, confiscate

2 to give way before a force that one can no longer resist FF1C; yielded to temptation FF1E;

Synonyms: bow, buckle (under), capitulate, cave, defer, knuckle, knuckle under, submit, succumb

Related Words: accord, award, concede, grant; cede, surrender, waive; break, fail

Idioms: give ground, give place, give way

Contrasted Words: bear up, hold out, resist

Antonyms: withstand


Synonyms: BEAR 9, produce, turn out


Synonyms: GIVE 7, produce

Related Words: discharge, eject, emit, vent

5 to produce as return or revenue FF1C; an investment that yields 10 percent FF1E;

Synonyms: bring in, pay, return

Related Words: afford, furnish, provide, supply; hold out, offer, proffer, tender

Idioms: afford ( or give or provide) a return of, put at one's disposal


Synonyms: GIVE 12, bend, break, cave, collapse, crumple, fold up, go

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический толковый словарь тезауруса.