Meaning of BLOT in English

transcription, транскрипция: [ blɒt ]

( blots, blotting, blotted)


If something is a blot on a person’s or thing’s reputation, it spoils their reputation.

...a blot on the reputation of the architectural profession...

This drugs scandal is another blot on the Olympics.

N-COUNT : N on n


A blot is a drop of liquid that has fallen on to a surface and has dried. ink blot.



If you blot a surface, you remove liquid from it by pressing a piece of soft paper or cloth onto it.

Before applying make-up, blot the face with a tissue to remove any excess oils..

VERB : V n , also V n adj


If you describe something such as a building as a blot on the landscape , you mean that you think it is very ugly and spoils an otherwise attractive place.

The developers insist the £80m village will not leave a blot on the landscape.

PHRASE : blot inflects

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