Meaning of EACH OTHER in English



BAD : I hope that you will both write to each others.

GOOD : I hope that you will both write to each other.


Each other has no plural form: 'We've been writing letters to each other for the last two years.'


BAD : We had to describe the pictures each other.

GOOD : We had to describe the pictures to each other.

BAD : They live a long way each other.

GOOD : They live a long way from each other.


You use prepositions in front of each other (pronoun) in the same way as you use prepositions in front of him, her, us etc. Compare: 'We talked to her.' 'We talked to each other.'

See also ONE ANOTHER (↑ one another )

Longman Common Errors English vocabulary.      Английский словарь распространенных ошибок Longman.