Meaning of COVERING in English



a covering letter British English , a cover letter American English (= that you send with your CV to an employer )

Always enclose a cover letter with your resume.

a dense covering of sth

steep-sided mountains with a dense covering of trees

a floor covering (= a material, such as carpet, that covers a floor )

A carpet fitter can fit floor coverings quickly and inexpensively.

covering letter

Send your CV and a covering letter to the address below.




Furniture, textiles and floor coverings date from the late 1960s or earlier.

Special recessed covers are available which allow you to fit a permanent floor covering .

Osaka's decline is evident in the local prefectural office, a grand stone building with grimy linoleum floor coverings .

Particular attention was paid to the floor coverings , textile and chemicals industries.

Ideally the dwelling should be unoccupied and empty of furniture and floor coverings , although this is usually not possible.

Draw any tacks remaining from previous floor coverings 2 Fill large gaps between boards with strips of wood cut to a wedge-shape.

They will also take up and re-lay loose floor coverings and pack and unpack fragile items such as glass and china.


It was noted in the covering letter which accompanied each questionnaire that the information given by respondents would be treated as confidential.

Response sheets were sent out to these 200 with a covering letter from the agency concerned and 85 positive responses were received.

It had been returned to him almost exactly as he had sent it, with no covering letter or word of explanation.

This covering letter comprehensively covers the sale procedures which should be considered in a flexible sale arrangement.


If this is the case the whole roof covering and battens will need to be replaced.

Any rain penetrating the roof covering is then expelled without entering the roof structure.

However, it was necessary to renew the roof covering of clay plain tiles with identical material.

Many houses, especially those built before the last war, have no roofing felt under the roof covering .

Using nails could disturb the roof covering .

The existing roof covering was completely stripped and the rafters were brush-cleaned.


Reductions mainly in paint, wall coverings , interior doors and bathroom suites.

Embossed Anaglypta and Lincrusta wall coverings in 100 historical patterns from Victorian to modern.

Vinyl wall coverings and paper painted with emulsion can be washed.

Bamboo looks great with sisal or sea grass carpeting and other natural-grass wall coverings .

Lamps, decorative objects, rugs, wall coverings and fabrics are only a few of the most commonly licensed home furnishings.


The insect's shell gives it a tough protective covering .

The prison cells have no electricity and no floor coverings.


Her body lay open before him, her only covering a few wisps of silk.

The ventral interradial areas are also covered with spinelets although the extent and density of covering varies.

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