Meaning of INTENT in English

I. adjective




Harry was so intent on his work that he did not hear the door open.

I think you were so intent on winning that you didn't care what happened to anyone that got in your way.

I think what they mean is that they appear so intent on their work that they don't seem to notice onlookers.

For a moment the boy was so intent , Lois thought tears would spring to his eyes.

If you're so intent on keeping the young alive then why don't you ban rock climbing?

Why he was so intent on seducing her was beyond her comprehension.


They were too intent on the priest or each other.

They are too intent on their game to notice the blur of his body running by.

Tish intends to do some drawing, but is too intent on keeping a diary.

He had not heard them pass him; he had been too intent on watching the singer.

He was too intent on catching the female rogue who had taken his grey.


an intent gaze


He couldn't have observed her intent scrutiny which was fuelled by an unfamiliar feeling she found deeply shocking.

He is intent only on saving his own skin.

Still onward pressed the columns, each seemingly intent to be ahead and enter first the rebel works.

The children were all intent and serious.

The Hammonds, intent on fraud, certainly would not have explained the proposed sale transaction to Mrs. Steed.

They were wide and very intent , the pupils dilated, and an expression of most extraordinary expectancy on her face.

II. noun




Mr Jones pleaded guilty to possessing a firearm with criminal intent and affray.

Police say few police investigations have been opened in these cases because of sketchy information or absence of criminal intent .

Protective agency workers, however, are not investigating for criminal intent .

Anywhere he settles, even for a minute, you sense an air of criminal intent .

Most experts such as Koss focus on factors outside of criminal intent that contribute to date and acquaintance rape.

And the war was portrayed not only as criminal in intent but also as criminal in conduct.


The mental suffering and the evil intent won't be separated.

Why should it suspect these harmless creatures of any evil intent ?

Pockets were emptied of loose change, parcels scanned as if for a malignant tumour and handbags rifled for evidence of evil intent .


The Natural Step There's a serious intent behind this frivolity.

At the time of the Xerox visit, Apple had a working prototype of a machine that reeked of serious intent .

As a gesture, rather than with serious intent , I bank fished.

She struggled momentarily but not, it seemed, with serious intent .

The overdose did not appear to have involved serious suicidal intent .

But it is entertainment with a serious intent .

After all, the best comedy has a serious intent , and Forsyth clearly wants to evoke more than just laughter.

Oldenberg's Lipstick is therefore transgressive precisely because it blends serious intent and playful imagery.


The second group comprises patients who inflict serious injuries on themselves with considerable suicidal intent .

The overdose did not appear to have involved serious suicidal intent .

Janet, a 14-year-old schoolgirl, had taken an overdose of paracetamol in circumstances which suggested low suicidal intent .

Only very rarely has the patient carried out the act with suicidal intent in mind.


He was convicted of possession of cocaine with intent to sell.

It is not my intent to deny the value of university education.

The intent of the change was to give local officials more power to make decisions.

The gun was fired with intent .


At Guinness, these principles constitute our Strategic Intent . you have already seen the first part of that intent.

At times, without ill intent , we overburden ourselves.

Bock looked frightened, but Grigoriev's face was predatory and full of avid intent .

He was convicted of abduction with intent to defile and could be sentenced to 20 years to life imprisonment.

His team certainly were, and as a reflection of new intent , they quickly got the turning-point goal.

It was not my intent or purpose to injure her.

It will culminate Wednesday, the first day that binding letters of intent may be signed.

Redmond denied attempted murder but admitted wounding with intent .

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