Meaning of MILLION in English



a million-to-one chance/a one in a million chance (= when something is extremely unlikely )

It must have been a million-to-one chance that we’d meet.

a £20 million/$40 million etc fortune

She is believed to have a £25 million fortune.

a £20 million/$40 million etc fortune

She is believed to have a £25 million fortune.


a cool million/hundred thousand etc

feel/look like a million bucks

in the vicinity of £3 million/$1,500/2 billion years etc

never/not in a million years

You won't get Kieran to agree - not in a million years !

He was rich as Croesus, something he had never expected to be, not in a million years .

I still had to find Wally and attempt to explain what I would never in a million years be able to explain.

It is based on a true story so outrageous that it would never in a million years have passed muster as fiction.

Never. Not in a million years .

No parent is going to believe this pigtail story, not in a million years .

The real reason for her lack of promotion, she knew, would never in a million years occur to him.

There was no point in all of this: she would never believe him. Not in a million years .

You'd never in a million years see a dancing man in a field in the country.

to the tune of $1,000/£2 million etc


By April 1981 the lake had a hundred million weevils, but in August came disaster.

It sought a $ 400 million judgment.

Jim sits in front of four computer screens, controlling de-inking equipment that cost $ 42 million to install.

Latinos, with 2 million voters in California, are the fastest-growing minority in the country.

Simons also is trying to find corporate donors to buy a $ 2. 5 million video scoreboard.

The $ 150 million bond has not yet been priced, said spokeswoman Mercedes Poblete.

The derivatives trading business lost $ 32 million in the quarter, compared with $ 28 million in profits a year earlier.

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