Meaning of FUNCTIONAL in English

func ‧ tion ‧ al AC /ˈfʌŋkʃ ə nəl/ BrE AmE adjective

[ Word Family: noun : ↑ function , ↑ functionality ; verb : ↑ function ; adverb : ↑ functionally ; adjective : ↑ functional ]

1 . designed to be useful rather than beautiful or attractive OPP decorative :

buildings that are sensitively designed, not purely functional

2 . something that is functional is working correctly SYN operational :

By 2004, the Supertram is expected to be fully functional.

3 . relating to the purpose of something:

The two departments have slight functional differences.

—functionally adverb

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.      Longman - Словарь современного английского языка.