Meaning of PLANE in English

I. verb (~d; planing) see: floor Date: 14th century transitive verb 1. to make smooth or even ; level , to make smooth or even by use of a ~, to remove by or as if by planing, intransitive verb to work with a ~, to do the work of a ~, ~r noun II. noun see: place Date: 14th century any of a genus ( Platanus of the family Platanaceae, the ~-tree family) of chiefly deciduous trees with large palmately lobed leaves, flowers in globose heads, and usually scaling bark, III. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin plana, from planare Date: 14th century a tool for smoothing or shaping a wood surface, IV. noun Etymology: Latin planum, from neuter of planus level Date: 1571 1. a surface in which if any two points are chosen a straight line joining them lies wholly in that surface, a flat or level surface, a level of existence, consciousness, or development , 3. one of the main supporting surfaces of an air~, air~ , V. adjective Etymology: Latin planus Date: 14th century having no elevations or depressions ; flat , 2. of, relating to, or dealing with geometric ~s, lying in a ~ , see: level VI. intransitive verb (~d; planing) Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French ~r, from plain level, plain Date: 15th century 1. to fly while keeping the wings motionless, to skim across the surface of the water, to travel by air~

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