Meaning of BOUNCE in English

[bounce] vb bounced ; [ME bounsen] vt (13c) 1 obs: beat, bump

2: to cause to rebound "~ a ball" 3 a: dismiss, fire b: to expel precipitately from a place

4: to issue (a check) drawn on an account with insufficient funds

5: to present (as an idea) to another person to elicit comments or to gain approval--usu. used with off ~ vi 1: to rebound after striking a surface (as the ground)

2: to recover from a blow or a defeat quickly--usu. used with back

3: to be returned by a bank because of insufficient funds in a checking account "his checks ~"

4. a: to leap suddenly: bound b: to walk with springing steps

5: to hit a baseball so that it hits the ground before it reaches an infielder

[2]bounce n (1523) 1 a: a sudden leap or bound b: rebound

2: bluster

3: verve, liveliness

Merriam-Webster English vocab.      Английский словарь Merriam Webster.