Meaning of CAVE in English

[cave] n [ME, fr. OF, fr. L cava, fr. cavus hollow; akin to Gk koilos hollow, and prob. to Gk kyein to be pregnant--more at cyme] (13c) 1: a natural underground chamber or series of chambers open to the surface

2: a usu. underground chamber for storage "a wine ~"; also: the articles stored there

[2]cave vb caved ; vt (15c): to form a cave in or under: hollow, undermine ~ vi: to explore caves esp. as a sport or hobby -- n [3]cave vb caved ; [prob. alter. of calve] vi (1513) 1: to fall in or down esp. from being undermined--usu. used with in

2: to cease to resist: submit--usu. used with in ~ vt: to cause to fall or collapse--usu. used with in

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