Meaning of ATTENUATE in English

I. ə-ˈten-yə-wət, -yü-ət adjective

Etymology: Middle English attenuat, from Latin attenuatus, past participle of attenuare to make thin, from ad- + tenuis thin — more at thin

Date: 15th century

1. : reduced especially in thickness, density, or force

2. : tapering gradually usually to a long slender point

attenuate leaves

II. ə-ˈten-yə-ˌwāt, -yü-ˌāt verb

( -at·ed ; -at·ing )

Date: 1530

transitive verb

1. : to make thin or slender

2. : to make thin in consistency : rarefy

3. : to lessen the amount, force, magnitude, or value of : weaken

4. : to reduce the severity, virulence, or vitality of

an attenuated virus

intransitive verb

: to become thin, fine, or less

• at·ten·u·a·tion -ˌten-yə-ˈwā-shən, -yü-ˈā- noun

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