Meaning of MUTTON in English

n.1 the flesh of sheep used for food.

2 joc. a sheep.

Phrases and idioms:

mutton-bird Austral.

1. any bird of the genus Puffinus, esp. the short-tailed shearwater, P. tenuirostris.

2 any of various petrels.

mutton chop

1. a piece of mutton, usu. the rib and half vertebra to which it is attached.

2 (in full mutton chop whisker) a side whisker shaped like this. mutton dressed as lamb colloq. a usu. middle-aged or elderly woman dressed or made up to appear younger. mutton-head colloq. a dull, stupid person. mutton-headed colloq. dull, stupid.


muttony adj.

Etymology: ME f. OF moton f. med.L multo -onis prob. f. Gaulish

Oxford English vocab.      Оксфордский английский словарь.