Meaning of BREATH in English

noun time to breathe; respite; pause.

2. breath ·noun fragrance; exhalation; odor; perfume.

3. breath ·noun the power of respiration, and hence, life.

4. breath ·noun a very slight breeze; air in gentle motion.

5. breath ·noun fig.: that which gives or strengthens life.

6. breath ·noun a single word; the slightest effort; a trifle.

7. breath ·noun gentle exercise, causing a quicker respiration.

8. breath ·noun a single respiration, or the time of making it; a single act; an instant.

9. breath ·noun the act of breathing naturally or freely; the power or capacity to breathe freely; as, i am out of breath.

10. breath ·noun the air inhaled and exhaled in respiration; air which, in the process of respiration, has parted with oxygen and has received carbonic acid, aqueous vapor, warmth, ·etc.

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