Meaning of CHORUS in English

noun a band of singers and dancers.

2. chorus ·noun an interpreter in a dumb show or play.

3. chorus ·noun a company of singers singing in concert.

4. chorus ·vi to sing in chorus; to exclaim simultaneously.

5. chorus ·noun the simultaneous of a company in any noisy demonstration; as, a chorus of shouts and catcalls.

6. chorus ·noun a composition of two or more parts, each of which is intended to be sung by a number of voices.

7. chorus ·noun parts of a song or hymn recurring at intervals, as at the end of stanzas; also, a company of singers who join with the singer or choir in singer or choir in singing such parts.

8. chorus ·noun a company of persons supposed to behold what passed in the acts of a tragedy, and to sing the sentiments which the events suggested in couplets or verses between the acts; also, that which was thus sung by the chorus.

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