Meaning of APPANAGE in English

/ap"euh nij/ , n.

1. land or some other source of revenue assigned for the maintenance of a member of the family of a ruling house.

2. whatever belongs rightfully or appropriately to one's rank or station in life.

3. a natural or necessary accompaniment; adjunct.

Also, apanage .

[ 1595-1605; apanage, apeinaige, equiv. to apan ( er ) to endow (a younger son or daughter) with a maintenance ( appanare; ap- AP- 1 + -panare, v. deriv. of L panis bread; cf. OPr apanar to nourish) + -age -AGE ]

Random House Webster's Unabridged English dictionary.      Полный английский словарь Вебстер - Random House .