Meaning of SEAT in English

— seater , n. — seatless , adj.

/seet/ , n.

1. something designed to support a person in a sitting position, as a chair, bench, or pew; a place on or in which one sits.

2. the part of a chair, sofa, or the like, on which one sits.

3. the part of the body on which one sits; the buttocks.

4. the part of the garment covering it: the seat of one's pants.

5. a manner of or posture used in sitting, as on a horse.

6. something on which the base of an object rests.

7. the base itself.

8. a place in which something belongs, occurs, or is established; site; location.

9. a place in which administrative power or the like is centered: the seat of the government.

10. a part of the body considered as the place in which an emotion or function is centered: The heart is the seat of passion.

11. the office or authority of a king, bishop, etc.: the episcopal seat.

12. a space in which a spectator or patron may sit; accommodation for sitting, as in a theater or stadium.

13. right of admittance to such a space, esp. as indicated by a ticket.

14. a right to sit as a member in a legislative or similar body: to hold a seat in the senate.

15. a right to the privileges of membership in a stock exchange or the like.

16. by the seat of one's pants , using experience, instinct, or guesswork.


17. to place on a seat or seats; cause to sit down.

18. to usher to a seat or find a seat for: to be seated in the front row.

19. to have seats for; accommodate with seats: a theater that seats 1200 people.

20. to put a seat on or into (a chair, garment, etc.).

21. to install in a position or office of authority, in a legislative body, etc.

22. to fit (a valve) with a seat.

23. to attach to or place firmly in or on something as a base: Seat the telescope on the tripod.


24. (of a cap, valve, etc.) to be closed or in proper position: Be sure that the cap of the dipstick seats.

[ 1150-1200; ME sete (n.) saeti ]

Syn. 1. throne, stool. 3. bottom, fundament.

Random House Webster's Unabridged English dictionary.      Полный английский словарь Вебстер - Random House .