Meaning of BEREAVED in English





I promise you it isn't the only time that warm relationships have built up between reporters and bereaved families .

To a very recently bereaved family who are struggling with a multiplicity of emotions this early attention to fees can seem mercenary.

The shop-woman smiled at her and asked after the bereaved family .

He longed to be reunited with his bereaved family .

She documents the considerable difficulties involved for researchers in approaching bereaved families and countering the disapproval of many outside agencies.

Keith Gault, whose father Samuel was killed, laid the wreath on behalf of the eight bereaved families .

He said the public grief and that of the bereaved families has been enormous.

Often a bereaved family will return to the bones of dead elephants many years later.


When I was working at a hospice I followed up bereaved people who it was felt might need some support.

It is therefore suggested that it may well be necessary to provide help for certain groups of bereaved people .

What do bereaved people think of their efforts?

It needs to be remembered that bereaved people stay at home.

Those who work with bereaved people see mourning divided into four distinct stages.

The loneliness that bereaved people feel can be intense.


It is certainly the time when the bereaved person begins to think about forming new attachments in various ways.

This in itself provides a complicated emotional scenario for the bereaved person to cope with.

At some stage a bereaved person usually begins to feel that he or she must be very selfish indeed.

This does not mean that when the particular anniversary comes around next time the bereaved person will not find the day difficult.

It is hard enough, as we have discovered, for people to know how to behave as a bereaved person .

So here the bereaved person meets the church in action.


Bereaved family members are demanding more information about the plane crash.

The bereaved mother stood by her son's grave.


And, as to the bereaved , their words glowed with the grateful confidence that their own worlds were still intact.

Begin by listening carefully to how the bereaved speak about their loss.

Both were bereaved , and both were seasoned adventurers.

The bereaved are dimly aware of these feelings, and are equally embarrassed about displaying tears.

This in itself provides a complicated emotional scenario for the bereaved person to cope with.

To a very recently bereaved family who are struggling with a multiplicity of emotions this early attention to fees can seem mercenary.

When I was working at a hospice I followed up bereaved people who it was felt might need some support.

When it comes to death, counselling the dying, or helping the bereaved , we Christians have become secularised.

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