Meaning of DESKTOP in English



desktop computer

desktop publishing




It is generally sensible to limit the additional capabilities that the new desktop publishing product will give you to the bare minimum.

Indeed, the new desktop is positively Windows-like.



Furthermore, its integration with other desktop applications allows it to be used as a powerful document transmission system.

Looking ahead, businesses will find application outsourcing to be a more productive and cost-effective way to meet their desktop application needs.


In 1996 desktop computer software will allow two-way conversations, bringing the technology to the mass market.&038;.

They paid for the desktop computer he uses to scan biographical data.

At first, I just ran the Equalizer program on a desktop computer .

The company expects the early versions of the chip will go into low-end desktop computers primarily sold outside the United States.

The desktop computer grew in power and user friendliness until it was increasingly hard to tell apart from the workstation.

According to Adkins, the on board computing power is about equivalent to the first small desktop computers .

Microsoft recently announced Video for Windows, which enables a desktop computer to display small video clips.


You see, at the moment I have no desktop machine and not full-sized keyboard to hammer.

Sun is also preparing its Scorpion eight-way Sparc desktop machine for launch at the SunWorld show on May 11.

For these users the desktop machine is becoming the information centre, and they require desktop access to archival material.

The model 2350 desktop machine delivers a claimed 28.9 SPECfp92 and 199.9 SPECint92.


The desktop manager supports drag and drop, and includes graphical file systems management and administration.


Model EWS4800/215 is an entry-level desktop model with VMEbus expansion slot.


There are really only two important considerations as far as the desktop publisher is concerned; is it readable and does it look good.

There are, however, limitations that the desktop publisher needs to be aware of.

There are basically three types, at least so far as desktop publishers are concerned.

And, as all desktop publishers will be only too well aware, small is beautiful.


Tomorrow's desktop publishing systems certainly won't look like today's page makeup software.

It is generally sensible to limit the additional capabilities that the new desktop publishing product will give you to the bare minimum.

Take, for example, a desktop publishing system based on an Apple Macintosh.

Today's desktop publishing software is as good as, if not better than, any Third Wave composition system ever was.

In this area there is a surprising lack of desktop publishing software as it is obviously a prime candidate.

It is often assumed that the world of desktop publishing begins and, for some people, ends with the Apple Macintosh.

It is often the case that the quality of the documents produced by some one adopting desktop publishing goes down rather than up.


This has uncovered some interesting findings - for instance the hitherto unknown demand for 3.3V chips from desktop system designers.

The £6,000 desktop system is suitable for any stereo-ready workstation, Apple Computer Inc Macintosh, personal computer or monitor.

Andersen reckons this is because companies are using desktop systems more and more.



These are used in machines from desktop computers to super computers.

The one-piece computer is only 9 inches deep; a traditional monitor used with most desktops is about 14 inches deep.

They don't require an external power source, but are expensive and you can't use them with a desktop .

This makes the format much friendlier to use than a desktop computer and keyboard.

These images can be used as desktop wallpapers, if only you could decide which to use.

Andersen reckons this is because companies are using desktop systems more and more.

Master production using desktop publishing equipment.


I drummed my fingers on the desktop .

In practice, we will soon see desktop videoconferencing becoming a standard feature of computer communications.

Meanwhile, desktop video already offers both video telephoning and video conferencing without participants having to go to a special transmission location.

Paint flakes on the desktop and floor, steel cabinets covered in dust.

Target markets include broadcast and desktop video facilities, technical trade schools, repair centres and quality-assurance inspection sites.

The idea a few years ago that a notebook machine could replace a desktop was a joke.

You will, in short, become a desktop junkie.

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