Meaning of INTERVIEW in English

I. noun


an exclusive report/interview/picture (= appearing in only one newspaper or magazine )

The newspaper featured exclusive pictures of the couple’s new baby.

conduct an interview

Here are a few guidelines on how to conduct an interview.

frank discussion/interview/exchange of views etc

question/interrogate/interview a suspect

Police confirmed that six suspects are being questioned.

the police question/interview sb

Police are questioning two men about the deaths.

wear sth to a party/a dance/an interview etc

I’m wearing a scarlet dress to the party.




The wandering spirit was ousted, Diana's younger brother Charles revealed in an exclusive interview , and their beloved dad recovered.

There are also exclusive interviews and highlights of the playoff series with the San Diego Padres.

In an exclusive interview , Richard Feast discovers that his reputation for straight, sometimes controversial, talking is not exaggerated.

With his usual courtesy and willingness to be of assistance he had granted several exclusive interviews on the spot.

Sitting up in bed, I scanned the article, which the News of the World claimed was an exclusive interview .


Admissions criteria were rigorous, and included a personal interview as well as a three-month battery of tests.

Donors undergo a very personal interview before giving blood.

In regard to supporting evidence, be sure to use every possible source including personal interviews with authorities in the field.

Information for the follow up study was collected by means of personal interviews , death certificates, and records from hospitals and nursing homes.

The candidates were required to answer a ten-page questionnaire, followed by a daylong personal interview .

A mix of personal interviews and observation methods will be employed.

If you can acquire this information through a personal interview or contact, by all means do so.


In a recent interview the rather eccentric group claimed to be the disciples of David Icke.

She was also uncomfortable at times during recent interviews .

Keller, in a recent interview , asserted that the work had been done, and by the people listed as participants.

Hamas leaders had said in recent interviews that they would claim victory if turnout was lower than 50 percent.



Does this sound more your sort of job interview ?

Q: What was your first job interview like?

I've never even managed to get through a job interview , even if it's a woman doing the interviewing.

Christopher Rollinger, a Newbury Park computer programmer, snared a few job interviews during the day.

More and more companies are now using psychometric tests as back-up to the job interview .

He was afraid his uncle might say something about the job interview at town hall.

Jeffries queried blandly, as if he were conducting a job interview .


In a subsequent newspaper interview she had voiced her hurt and anger that Abbado had not then even seen his child.

She spent most of Thursday doing television, radio and newspaper interviews .

But he is raising his public profile with newspaper interviews on issues such as black empowerment.

I had even brought with me to the stadium a copy of a newspaper interview Rich Scobee had given.


In a phone interview , he also talks about the oddball portfolio mix that has produced such erratic results.

But a phone interview has a certain immediacy, so you do a phone interview.

In a phone interview with a dozen reporters, Bradley, 52, says he had several goals in writing the book.

But a phone interview has a certain immediacy, so you do a phone interview.

Our initial phone interview occurred on September 20, 1996.


On the morning I flew overseas to attend a career seminar I heard a radio interview about career change.

Detective Chief Inspector Kenneth Harris, in a radio interview , announced that another line of enquiry was being pursued.

Just before his radio interview was over, he showed that he knows much more than running.

It is quite a good idea to take along samples to a radio interview .

He's done radio interviews and had his picture in the local papers!

For a radio interview , I'd do my own homework, and I've always believed in doing it thoroughly.


You will meet the perpetrator in a special interview room .

Gregg was called into the postgame interview room and asked about his strike zone.

Such a system can sit comfortably on the table in an interview room .

Apparently, a few found the area to the interview room .

However the immediate task of most advice workers is to help the clients in the interview room cope with day-to-day pressing problems.

Then he collected his belongings from the interview room and joined Rain on the landing.

He'd been shown to the interview room where Scott sat with a uniformed officer close by the door.

McDunn's in very early this morning; we're here in the same old interview room .


Design Detailed personal interview and physical assessment of physically disabled adults; personal or telephone interview with carers.

From that, one goes to a telephone interview with the parents.

Could she do a telephone interview ?

Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt said in a recent telephone interview .


Cossiga emphasized in a television interview that compromise had been necessary to avoid an early general election.

Fujisaki said he decided to tighten previous restrictions after learning that Caraway had agreed to a television interview .

She performed with great natural charm in a television interview and marvelled at all the stretch-limousines she rode in.

This week, she gave her first live television interview since the fall.

In a new television interview , he calls Mr Clinton a person without the background or experience for the office.

His remarks, in a television interview , followed big electoral gains by the anti-immigrant far-right National Front. -Reuter.

In the pre-Day era, television interviews were almost always respectful, dull, stiff and often insipid.

But, in a television interview , she appeared to rule out the possibility of a reconciliation.



He has a several years of experience of conducting interviews on national identity.

Update your resume. Conduct an informational interview .

Barras conducted a number of interviews that bear moving witness to the long shadow cast by absent fathers.

The children howled as he conducted mock interviews with them.

Publicly available data will be used rather than, at this stage, conducting interviews with business owners.

The Tampa Bay Devil Rays conducted their first interview of a managerial candidate last week.

Over this period I visited the school more than 30 times, chiefly to conduct interviews and attend meetings.

It also conducted lengthy interviews with survivors from Hitler's bunker and pieced together the dictator's final hours.


He frequently gives interviews , and has got television performances down to a fine art.

He asked that his nephew, John B.. Hurt, be given an interview .

He had spent the last few hours being photographed with the wounded and giving endless interviews .

Another reporter, Paul West, talked the head of the welfare department, Raymond Hilliard, into giving me an interview .

Around 1985 I was getting so many requests from students, mainly from Blackwomen, to give interviews to inform their dissertations.

Be sure to give credit for interviews , for this too, should be valued by a grateful researcher.

This week, she's campaigning for privacy whilst giving interviews to promote her new perfume.

Fidelity Investments stoutly defended its star manager, saying that he had simply changed his mind after giving the interviews .


An interview with the actress appears in next week's People magazine.

Browning told one interviewer that he is considering running for office again next year.

Can you come in for an interview ?

During a recent interview Rohr said the renovations will cost $38 million.

I always get nervous before interviews.

In his latest TV interview the lead singer talks about his drug problem.

Kyle went out and bought a new suit for his job interview .

Ron's going to Tufts University next week for an interview and a tour of the campus.

She had an interview last week for a job at an Internet company.

The new Prime Minister gave his first full-length TV interview last night.


At a later interview he was asked for what the Nobel had been awarded.

Documentary research in the technical literature was undertaken to plan interviews and to identify key areas of technological innovation and technical uncertainty.

In interviews at other companies, big and small, I began to hear similar stories.

Lake is not granting interviews as he prepares for his confirmation hearings.

My panic reduced the interview to waffle.

She contacted an old friend in the events-promotion field, who in turn set her up for a series of information interviews.

II. verb




I was interviewed recently and I mentioned the long-term effects of being asked about drugs in interviews.

We recently interviewed 8-year-old actor Andy Lawrence.



Chen Zhuo is one of the Red Guard leaders interviewed in the article .

As is customary with appointees facing confirmation hearings, Albright declined to be interviewed for this article .

Paterniti declined to be interviewed for this article .


The three journalists who interviewed Putin for this book were pleasingly sassy on occasion.

Peace is the best thing you can wish for parents whose child has died, says a woman interviewed in the book .

While conducting interviews for this book , I sometimes posed the chameleon riddle to my interviewees.

How have the students interviewed for this book responded to these issues during their undergraduate years?

Unlike almost all others interviewed for this book , Allen never once looks at his watch.

It is noteworthy that none of the students interviewed for this book fits neatly into these or other equally simplistic categories.

Every parent I interviewed for this book is aware of how society might make family life better.


He is already interviewing candidates , whose names he declined to disclose.

Tiknis darts in and out of the hall, attending to the administrative business of interviewing a candidate for marketing director.

We also interviewed candidates for her chief of staff.

Mayor Richard Riordan and other city officials began interviewing the candidates Wednesday.

Then interview several candidates , asking detailed questions about how they would handle your individual situation.

But they interviewed only one candidate -- former Tucson city councilman and recently retired state employee Hector Morales.


Through career information interviewing he heard of an overseas company that was about to establish a domestic office.

They could take a few days off to start career information interviewing .

Do not forget the benefits you will gain from career information interviewing and job location interviewing.

Then start career information interviewing in this newly defined field.

One example of where I have conducted career information interviewing is Colorado.


She admitted failing to report the incident, and withholding information when interviewed by the police.

Through career information interviewing he heard of an overseas company that was about to establish a domestic office.

Other people who could provide corroborative or extra information were interviewed .

They could take a few days off to start career information interviewing .

Do not forget the benefits you will gain from career information interviewing and job location interviewing.

It is important that you continue career information interviewing until you are completely relaxed about it.

Then start career information interviewing in this newly defined field.

One example of where I have conducted career information interviewing is Colorado.


His job was to interview pilots on return from their missions.

There is a drawing of the mail-order pantsuit she purchased for job interviews when her children were grown.

Jobclubs can give guidance on how to apply for jobs , interviewing techniques etc.

Do not forget the benefits you will gain from career information interviewing and job location interviewing.

Probably you have already talked with him or her during your job information interviewing .

I imagined her showing up for a job interview wearing a mix of the clothes from her suitcase.


We were also allowed to observe a juvenile cautioning panel in its decision making, and to interview its members .

Medical examiners are interviewing family members about any unique characteristics to help identify bodies.


He claims $ 20,000 in damages from Mr Zapolskii and $ 64,000 from another newspaper that interviewed him.

He did several newspaper interviews Friday, his first extended on-the-record sessions since Clinton announced his appointment in November.

This remained the leitmotif of a torrent of radio, television and newspaper interviews Heseltine gave in the days following his resignation.

On the day of the killing in Dunblane, a newspaper reporter was interviewing an 11-year-old at the school.


Voice over Police have interviewed sixteen hundred people - some of them fellow walkers -in their search for the killers.

Lake killed himself by swallowing cyanide as police interviewed him.

She said it was a routine enquiry and the police were interviewing everybody who had been at Ken O'Mara's farewell.

They said I might have to go down to the police station and be interviewed there later in their inquiries.

The police interviewed their suspect and eliminated him.

Video-Tape, no voice over CHELTENHAM/Gloucestershire Police interviewed five hundred people on Saturday in the search for witnesses.

If the police come to interview Frau Morenz, do not impede but let me know.

Mr Readman said Pringle had to undergo major surgery to his jaw in the middle of June before police could interview him.


In a radio interview Wednesday, Gov.


They interviewed this large sample of women about their work histories, current employment and current domestic position.

In addition permission has been granted to interview a sample of these patients together with their Responsible Medical Officers.


They declined to be interviewed for this story .

There was another memorable face, that of the attorney NamSoon Hong, seventy-five, whom I interviewed for a story .

Neither Pike nor his attorney would be interviewed for this story .


Ray LaHood, R-Ill., said in a telephone interview Friday.


She is fighting back in the television interview arena, which is the appropriate forum.

This remained the leitmotif of a torrent of radio, television and newspaper interviews Heseltine gave in the days following his resignation.

A television crew proceeded to interview me on the touchline, creating more confusion within elements of the crowd close by.


Police are interviewing a number of witnesses .

It will feature an interior bathroom and a separate room for privately interviewing witnesses , victims and suspects.

I have been there usually to interview a witness , but the sights are chilling.

I am looking at some notes I took one day when I was interviewing witnesses .


None of the women who were subsequently interviewed mentioned illegal abortion and the final report ignores the topic.

This time, a man and a woman interviewed me.

By comparison only 23 out of the 50 women interviewed were able to name Mr Fallon.

She was the only woman interviewed in the film who spoke without guilt, depression, or regret.

We conduct extensive consumer research in which a large number of women are interviewed about their preferences.

Peace is the best thing you can wish for parents whose child has died, says a woman interviewed in the book.

More than 1000 men and women were interviewed across all age, social and regional divides.

In a major federal survey, one-third of the men and women interviewed said they would work part-time if possible.



McMaster agreed to a wide-ranging interview last week.

I am delighted that you have agreed to be interviewed in part of this sequence.

In the second and final stages of interviews I therefore concentrated on finding men who would agree to be interviewed.


The Roman Research Trust declined to be interviewed , but a spokesman denied that it had acted in any way improperly.

They declined to be interviewed for this story.

Longwall's management declined to be interviewed .

As is customary with appointees facing confirmation hearings, Albright declined to be interviewed for this article.

Publicity-shy Mrs Pattinson, however, declined to be interviewed .

Terrell later declines to be interviewed by the Union-Tribune.

Swindon Police declined to be interviewed .


The new owner, too, had refused to be interviewed .

I had every intention of refusing when I interviewed you but I had read your articles.

Such a defense remains in jeopardy, however, because Kaczynski has refused to be interviewed by two government-hired psychiatrists.

Brown, however, refused to be interviewed by a reporter.


All prospective students are interviewed by alumni before a final decision is made.

At the end of the race the winner was interviewed by NBC news.

I'll be interviewing two candidates today and three others tomorrow.

She has interviewed celebrities and political leaders on her radio programme for over 25 years.

We've interviewed a woman for the job already, but she wasn't very well qualified.

We interviewed 12 candidates in three days.


As one philosopher interviewed in the film notes, they lack irony.

Darlington police have been told about the vandalism and yesterday an officer went to interview Miss Golightly.

I interview Joy Division for the first time in 20 years.

Medical examiners are interviewing family members about any unique characteristics to help identify bodies.

Police were interviewing another homeless man who was believed to be in the building at the time of the fire.

The company also said that Mrs Hampton should have told them about her illness when she was interviewed for the job.

Those I interviewed said that nearly all the public comment they had heard had been favourable to the televising of the House.

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