Meaning of TREMBLE in English



a trembling/shaking voice (= a voice that shakes because someone is very nervous or frightened )

He stood up and began to speak in a trembling voice.

be trembling with excitement (= to be shaking slightly because you are so excited )

Her hands were trembling with excitement as she opened the letter.

sb's hands shake/tremble

His hands trembled as he lifted the cup.

sb’s voice trembles/shakes (= sounds unsteady )

His voice shook with anger.

shake/tremble with fear

He was shaking with fear after being held at gunpoint.

shake/tremble with rage

His wife was shaking with rage.

tremble/shiver/shake etc violently

I was still trembling violently.




The major's hand trembled slightly as he took the cigarette.

I noticed that his hands were trembling slightly , and he seemed to be blinking back tears.

As he got on his bike, Jack found himself trembling slightly .

Voice trembling slightly , I sang the first chorus, mouth too near the mike, and glided towards the stool.

Now though she was feeling nervous, unsure of herself, and she could feel herself beginning to tremble slightly .

Slowly, as quietly as he could, Jack pushed through the undergrowth, trembling slightly in anticipation of what might happen.

A hand that trembled slightly brushed against his forehead as if it could wipe away the weariness.

His voice trembled slightly , but he didn't think the head noticed.


His hands were trembling so much he was forced to hide them under the sheets.

The vessel trembled so violently that Robinson thought she would crumble to pieces.

My voice was trembling so much, I sounded like Edith Piaf with Parkinson's disease.

His hands trembled so violently that he was unable to bring it to his lips.

Perdita was trembling so badly that she could hardly zip up her boots.

The Collector's hands trembled so badly that he had to rest the telescope on the shattered window sill.

She was trembling so violently that the bed shook.

She could hardly dress, her fingers were trembling so much.


She was still trembling a little inside, and the thought of staying here in this house on her own made her nervous.

Eight years later, some of the children still tremble when they see their alleged assailants, who remain in the community.

She looked up at him in confusion, her body still trembling , lips still swollen from his kiss.

She sank back into her seat, still trembling .


When he finally let her go she was still speechless - and trembling violently .

My legs and arms tremble violently , but I do not cry.

The shuttle trembled violently as it accelerated along the runway.

I was trembling violently from head to foot.

He shivered again, and began to tremble violently .

He had been trembling violently for several hours but now no sound came from the place where he lay.

His body remained stiff and taut, even though he wanted to tremble violently .

She's trembling violently and she starts to retch, leaning against me for support as the heaving racks her.



Her hands were trembling with anger .

But oh, what that woman did then, which even now sets me to trembling with both anger and desire.

I stood there trembling with humiliation and anger .

I could tell Roque was trembling with anger , and I admit to feeling bad when he slammed down the phone.


Her hands brushed the keys, her head began to nod, then her body to tremble .

All I had to do was wait until my breath no longer came in short gasps and my body quit trembling .

My whole body trembled when he came near.

She looked up at him in confusion, her body still trembling , lips still swollen from his kiss.

Was this how women cried, their whole bodies trembling ?

Her body was trembling with fear.

He held me so high in the air that my whole body trembled .


Her fingers trembling with excitement , she fastened it around her neck.

When I got there, my daughter greeted me with trembling excitement .


Days of fear and trembling until it blew over.

I urged myself, struggling with my swamping fear , my trembling guts.


Her fingers trembling with excitement, she fastened it around her neck.

Reading it, my finger trembled .

For a moment his fingers trembled , hovering over it, and then he gripped it firmly with both hands.

He fished out a cigar and lighted it with fingers which were trembling .

She could hardly dress, her fingers were trembling so much.

He fumbled to unclip the keys from his belt and his fingers were trembling as he tried to unlock the door.

She stroked a sun-warmed block of stone with fingers that trembled .

Annoyed to find her fingers trembling , she tore it open.


Surkov's hand trembled as he lit another cigarette.

In the hallway my hand trembled as I picked up the receiver.

Susan clasped her hands because she was trembling , but the tension in her locked fingers only made her shake the more.

Or maybe it was my hand that was trembling .

But never mind, though their blue-veined old hands might be trembling their fingers could still pull a trigger.

Pearl was saying, lifting the binoculars, her hands trembling , the lenses tapping the window pane.

His hands trembled so violently that he was unable to bring it to his lips.

Miguel waited for his car to pass by them before he got back into the car, his hands cold and trembling .


As he walked forward with his escorts, his knees trembled suddenly.

Her knees trembled underneath her raincoat.

She did, but only just, reaching the cafe breathless and with her knees trembling .

As I started toward my brother, I felt my knees trembling .

I walk towards her with my knees trembling .

There was an evil-tasting fluid in my mouth, and my knees trembled .


His legs were trembling so that his hands wouldn't keep still.

My legs had begun to tremble , with fear now, not anger.

My legs and arms tremble violently, but I do not cry.

She had to sit, her legs were trembling .

My legs trembled and my arms felt as limp as cloth.

The female had been put in her place, her legs made to tremble .


He could see that her lower lip was trembling and that her eyes were moist.

He noticed that when she saw him, a tiny sparkle came into her eyes and her lips trembled a little.

Young Zuwaya talked with anger and shock, lips and hands trembling , about the perfidy of the Magharba.

Hardin looked up to see Pirenne facing him, eyes tragic and lips trembling .

Her lips parted - trembling - as she hovered on the brink of speech.

His lips trembled , and he felt strangely compelled to shout a defiant slogan.

His enthusiasm faded, his voice hesitated, his lips trembled , his eyes dropped in confusion.

Miguel stood still, lips trembling .


Her tiny pink mouth was trembling .

Howard paused, fists clenched, mouth trembling .

She could feel her mouth trembling with reaction.

Russell pushed the soup bowl away and wiped his mouth with a trembling hand.

Her mouth softened and trembled beneath his.


Not surprisingly, Gelernter, 42, still is trembling with rage four years after the bomb went off.

A soldier yells at us to be quiet, and the two of us stand silent and trembling with rage .

Forester was staring at the cottages and the cars, his fists bunched up hard, trembling with rage .

For an instant the familiar grounds glare and tremble , the prisoner rages at his bars.

He trembled , with rage , with panic.

Woolley, arms folded, watched him get up and limp away, trembling with rage .


My voice was trembling so much, I sounded like Edith Piaf with Parkinson's disease.

Ritchie said, his voice trembling .

The voice wheezed and trembled a little.

Oh man, her voice was trembling .

His voice trembled slightly, but he didn't think the head noticed.

She seemed really upset, her voice trembling a little.

He was gaunt and hollow-eyed; his voice trembled .



Then, suddenly, he began to tremble .

The clerk, standing beside the filing cabinet, began to tremble .

She had begun to tremble with a sort of frightened and frustrated fury.

And there on the floor she began to tremble .

Moon-Watcher began to tremble uncontrollably; he felt as if his brain would burst, and wanted to turn away his eyes.

Jessamy discovered that she had begun to tremble .

The little house began to tremble with vibrating pipes and an outburst of cranky voices.


He didn't scream but she felt him tremble and he made a small, pathetic groan, like an angry puppy.

As I started toward my brother, I felt my knees trembling .

She could feel him trembling with fever and cold, although he was close to the fire which burned merrily now.

At the very thought he felt a tendency to tremble .

When I left the pharmacy with my call uncompleted, I could feel my legs trembling .

Then he felt the floor tremble beneath his feet, and a deep throated rumble rose from the bowels of the building.

She felt them tremble with expectation, parting, a little out of control.


The rope seemed to tremble , as if something was moving along it.

As the countdown reaches the two-minute mark, the room seems to tremble .

Even her red hair seemed to be trembling .

As he stood there, smoking in his jeans and earth-tone shirt he seemed to be trembling .

The room seemed to tremble and grow larger again, and the air to settle back into tranquillity.


It had sat trembling in his hand, its brown eyes full of the same terror he saw now in Ann's.

Carol was dying, and he cried out in his sleep and sat up trembling with cold sweats in the heat.

Pipkin sat trembling under a fern, his ears drooping on either side of his head.

Later on, he sat trembling on the dock.

When he had left the room, Mr Trotter sat down, trembling .


She stood trembling , staring at the blank window, feeling smaller than a baby.

A soldier yells at us to be quiet, and the two of us stand silent and trembling with rage.

She stood still, though trembling , until the car moved off, and then she fled toward Jane's.

Miguel stood still, lips trembling .

Daisy, seeking above all not to betray Aunt Millie, had stood her ground, trembling , white-faced.

I jumped out of bed and stood trembling .

When the sickness abated, he stood , sweating and trembling .

Thus for more than two mortal hours the momentous issue stood trembling in the balance.


She started to tremble deep inside, a nervous quivering that was beyond her control.

When he started to tremble , he figured this was the best way to catch a cold.

The hand starts trembling way out there.


Ginna's whole body trembled as she spoke about her son's death.

Jane's lip began to tremble and I though she was going to cry.

Polly hid behind the door, trembling with fear.

The dog sat trembling in a corner.

The ground beneath them trembled as the trucks rolled past.


I hurried home, my heart pounding and my hands trembling in spite of myself-I could not believe it.

Miguel stood still, lips trembling.

She trembled involuntarily when she saw him.

She had begun to tremble with a sort of frightened and frustrated fury.

She was still trembling a little inside, and the thought of staying here in this house on her own made her nervous.

While this cooked Baucis set the table with her trembling old hands.

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