Meaning of BOLD in English

adj. 1 courageous, brave, plucky, confident, stout-hearted, lion-hearted, daring, enterprising, audacious, fearless, unafraid, intrepid, resolute, dauntless, undaunted, valiant, stout, valorous, stalwart, adventurous, venturesome; reckless, foolhardy, incautious, daredevil, rash It would take a bold man to enter the ring with the champion 2 audacious, presumptuous, forward, immodest, brazen, impudent, temerarious, impertinent, shameless It was very bold of you to speak your mind to the boss 3 pronounced, outstanding, striking, vigorous, clear, strong, vivid, distinct, conspicuous He wrote down their demands in a good, bold hand

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