Meaning of FLIRT in English

v. 1 coquette, play or act the coquette, tease, tantalize, toy, lead on, dally, philander, Colloq Brit chat up; Slang US come on to Amanda enjoys flirting with the boys 2 flirt with. trifle or toy or play or tinker with, contemplate, consider, entertain, give a thought to, think about or of, Colloq Brit try on Many teenagers flirt with the idea of leaving home

n. 3 coquette, tease, vamp, hussy, playgirl, minx; philanderer, playboy, Slang lady-killer, Old-fashioned wolf, sheik, masher, lounge lizard, Taboo slang cock-teaser, prick-teaser They are both such flirts, I can't tell if their advances are genuine

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