Meaning of SICK in English

adj. 1 Chiefly Brit nauseated, queasy, sick to one's stomach, squeamish, qualmish; seasick, carsick, airsick, Colloq green around the gills Patrick felt a bit sick after the rough ferry crossing 2 ill, unwell, unhealthy, sickly, indisposed, infirm, ailing, diseased, afflicted, Colloq under the weather, on the sick-list, poorly, laid up, not (feeling) up to snuff If you feel sick, you'd best see a doctor I've been sick for a week. 3 affected, troubled, stricken, heartsick, wretched, miserable, burdened, weighed down I was sick with worry to learn of the problems you have been having with your business 4 mad, crazy, insane, deranged, disturbed, neurotic, unbalanced, psychoneurotic, psychotic, Colloq mental, US off ((one's) rocker or trolley) Anyone who could have committed such a crime must be sick 5 peculiar, unconventional, strange, weird, odd, bizarre, grotesque, macabre, shocking, ghoulish, morbid, gruesome, stomach-turning, sadistic, masochistic, sado-masochistic, Colloq kinky, bent, far-out, US off In 30 years as a policeman, I've seen some sick things, but this is the end 6 sickened, shocked, put out, upset, appalled, disgusted, revolted, repulsed, offended, repelled, nauseated; annoyed, chagrined, irritated She was sick at what she saw in the army field hospital The way you do things sometimes makes me sick. 7 Sometimes, sick of. (sick and) tired, bored, weary, Colloq fed up with: Don't you get sick of telling them the same thing so many times?

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