Meaning of DOCUMENTARY in English

I. |däkyə|mentər]ē, ]i also | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|] or ˈdäkyəmən.ˌter] adjective

Etymology: document (I) + -ary

1. : being or consisting of documents : contained or certified in writing

documentary evidence

2. : of, relating to, or employing documentation in literature or art

documentary annotations

a careful documentary writer

broadly : having or claiming the objective quality, authority, or force of documentation in the representation of a scene, place, or condition of life or of a social or political problem or cause : factual , objective , representational — used of works of literature, the theater, art, photography, radio and TV programs

II. noun

( -es )

: a documentary presentation (as a film or novel)

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