Meaning of IMAGE in English

I. ˈimij, -mēj noun

( -s )

Etymology: Middle English, from Old French, short for imagene, from Latin imagin-, imago; akin to Latin imitari to imitate

1. : a reproduction of a person or thing: as

a. : statue


(1) : device , emblem

(2) : a figure used as a talisman or amulet especially in conjurations (as by sorcerers in casting spells)


(1) : picture , portrait

(2) : a sculptured or fabricated object of symbolic value : idol ; specifically : a holy picture (as an ikon)

2. : a thing actually or seemingly reproducing another: as


(1) : the optical counterpart of an object produced by a lens, mirror, or other optical system and being the geometric figure made up of the foci corresponding to the points of the object — see real image , virtual image

(2) : an analogous phenomenon in some field other than optics

an acoustic image

an electric image

b. : any likeness of an object produced on a photographic material

3. : exact likeness : semblance


a. : a tangible or visible representation : incarnation

a civil servant who is the image of conscientiousness

b. archaic : an illusory appearance : apparition



(1) : a mental picture : impression

a soldier haunted by images of battle

images, as contrasted with sensations, are the responses during a narrative — Bertrand Russell

(2) : a mental conception held in common by members of a group and being symbolic of a basic attitude and orientation toward something (as a person, class, racial type, political philosophy, or nationality)

the Frenchman's image of America

b. : the memory of a perception in psychology that is modified by subsequent experience and that contains both intellectual and emotional elements elicited by intrapsychic and extrapsychic stimuli ; especially : the representation of a stimulus object on a receptor mechanism

c. : idea , concept

conflicting images of good and evil

6. : a markedly vivid, effective, or graphic representation or description

the set for the play being the image of a New England village


a. : something concrete or abstract introduced (as in a poem or speech) to represent something else which it strikingly resembles or suggests (as the use of sleep for death ) — compare emblem , symbol

b. : a figure of speech (as a metaphor or simile) : trope

8. : a person who is strikingly like another person in appearance, manner, or thought

a son who is the image of his father

II. “, chiefly in pres part -məj transitive verb

( -ed/-ing/-s )

1. : to describe or portray in language especially in an effective or vivid manner

2. : to call up a mental picture of : imagine

we no longer image the native landscape in the terms beloved of Rossetti and Tennyson — Vincent Buckley


a. : reflect , mirror

a face imaged in a mirror

b. : to make appear (as in desired form) : project

film imaged on a screen


a. : to create a representation of : depict , portray

a national hero imaged in bronze on a village green


(1) : to create or produce a suggestion of : adumbrate

a symphony imaging the beauty of nature

(2) : to represent symbolically : stand as a symbol of

acres of headstones imaging the losses of war

III. noun

1. : a set of values of a mathematical function (as a homomorphism) that corresponds to a particular subset of the domain

2. : a popular conception (as of a person, institution, or nation) projected especially through the mass media

promoting a corporate image of brotherly love and concern — R.C.Buck

Webster's New International English Dictionary.      Новый международный словарь английского языка Webster.