Meaning of CAB in English

cab 1

/kab/ , n. , v. , cabbed, cabbing .


1. a taxicab.

2. any of various horse-drawn vehicles, as a hansom or brougham, esp. one for public hire.

3. the covered or enclosed part of a locomotive, truck, crane, etc., where the operator sits.

4. the glass-enclosed area of an airport control tower in which the controllers are stationed.


5. to ride in a taxicab or horse-drawn cab: They cabbed to the theater.

[ 1640-50; short for CABRIOLET ]

Syn. 1, 2. hack, hackney, jitney.

cab 2

/kab/ , n.

an ancient Hebrew measure equal to about two quarts.

Also, kab .

[ 1525-35; qabh ]

cab 3

/kab/ , n. Chiefly Brit.

cabbage 2 (def. 1b).

Random House Webster's Unabridged English dictionary.      Полный английский словарь Вебстер - Random House .